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Chocolate Flakes

These milk chocolate flake fingers will perfectly complement a delicious ice cream. Flaked chocolate bar fingers are made with creamy milk chocolate and contain a minimum of 20% cocoa solids and a minimum of 30% milk solids.

These milk chocolate flake fingers will perfectly complement a delicious ice cream. Flaked chocolate bar fingers are made with creamy milk chocolate and contain a minimum of 20% cocoa solids and a minimum of 30% milk solids.

Chocolate Flakes (140)

rating 4 reviews

(£25.19 inc VAT)
 Chocoate Bars Finger Flakes

99 Flake Chocoate Bars

99 cones are thought to have originated in Portobello, outside Edinburgh. Stefano Arcari, originally from Italy, moved to Scotland after the First World War and opened a popular ice cream shop in 1922 at 99 Portobello High Street. He would break a large Flake in half and place it into his soft-serve ice cream, creating a chocolatey delight we know as the 99.

Chocolate flake bar in ice cream is the chocolatey delight we know and love as the 99.

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