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44mm ESE Coffee Pods

Our Easy Serving Espresso (ESE) pods are packaged in an oxygen-free environment ensuring each cup is as fresh as possible for your drinking pleasure!

Our Easy Serving Espresso (ESE) pods are packaged in an oxygen-free environment ensuring each cup is as fresh as possible for your drinking pleasure!

Illy Italian Coffee Pods (18 pods)

rating 33 reviews


Illy Italian Coffee Pods Decaffeinated (18 pods)

rating 24 reviews


Illy Italian Coffee Pods Intenso (18 pods)

rating 35 reviews


Lavazza Decaffeinated Paper Pods (18 pods)

rating 14 reviews


Caffe Roma Blue Mountain ESE Coffee Pods (50)

rating 27 reviews


Caffe Roma Italian Blend ESE Coffee Pods (50 pods)

rating 35 reviews


Caffe Roma Colombian ESE Coffee Pods (50 pods)

rating 47 reviews


Caffe Roma Decaffeinated Italian ESE Pods (50 pods)

rating 22 reviews


Lavazza Gran Espresso Pods (150 pods)

rating 44 reviews


Lavazza Decaffeinated Paper Pods (108 pods)

rating 19 reviews

ESE Coffee Pods 44mm

ESE Coffee Pods

44mm (ESE) Easy serve espresso coffee pods from top brands such as Caffe Roma, Illy and Lavazza.

Perfect for hotels, restaurants, and workplaces, get all the flavour of a classic espresso with none of the hassles. Our ESE coffee pod blends include Colombian, French Roast, and Italian, among others, and come with a decaf option.

Perfect for hotels, restaurants, and workplaces, get all the flavour of a classic espresso with none of the hassles. 

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